Modern Machine Shop

APR 2017

Modern Machine Shop is focused on all aspects of metalworking technology - Providing the new product technologies; process solutions; supplier listings; business management; networking; and event information that companies need to be competitive.

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BETTER PRODUCTION Shops Using Technology 100 MMS April 2017 pick-up station located above the headstock offers space for two boring tools as long as 65 inches. These are held in the WFL prism tool interface via a dovetail guide aligned parallel to the standard tool coupling. The tool is mechani- cally clamped into this guide and additionally he ld by the sta nda rd coupling. The M120 Millturn, featuring a Sinumerik 8 4 0 D C N C , i s a l s o equipped with a U axis, which also enables drill- ing and hollowing oper- atio ns ou ts id e of th e center of the rotating w o r k p i e c e w i t h o u t r e c l a m p i n g . T h i s i s especially beneficial for manufacturing aircraft landing gear. " T he pos sibilit y of m a c h i n i n g c o m p l e te landing gear par ts on the M120 Millturn in a single cla mping ste p h a s r e d u c e d t h e t h r o u g h p u t t i m e s a t MSI by a factor of 10 in this case," Mr. Baggerly s a y s . " T h i s a v o i d s machine changes that were previously neces- sar y, which saves on va l u a b l e s e tu p ti m e. W h a t u s e d t o t a k e s e v e r a l m o n t h s c a n now be completed in a f e w w e e k s . O n l y i n t e r m e d i a t e s t e p s , such as sandblasting o r s hot p e e ning, still need to be performed separately." Mikron Multistep XT-200 Reduce your cost-per-part with Mikron UNIQUE The Mikron Multistep Machining System is outstanding in reaching most competitive cost-per-part combined with unmatched flexibility when machining close tolerance metal components. Typical work pieces machined with Multistep XT-200. Mikron Corp. Monroe Monroe, CT 06468 / USA Tel. +1 203 261 31 00 The M120 Millturn offers a 5-meter centers distance to process very long parts for various industries and applications.

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